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15 January 2025
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Turbhe Vashi
Tel: (022) 27831203
Navi Mumbai,
India 400705

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School Rules


01. Every student must possess the School Calendar which must be brought daily to school. The Calendar must be carefully handled and preserved through the year. No pages must be torn and nothing other than school matters written in it. Remarks made in the dairy should be seen and counter signed regularly.

02. Discipline is to be maintained during class hours, in class and along the corridors, by all. While changing classes students are expected to walk in silence and in a single file, keeping to the left.

03. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. Students should be careful not to throw any papers or other waste on the floor of the School - premises, or compound. They should use the waste paper baskets and bins specially provided for the purpose. All must co-operate to maintain cleanliness in the school.

04. Every student will have with her the necessary requirements and materials prescribed by the school and be responsible for the same. Although every care will be taken of the student’s property, the school authorities will not be responsible for any theft or loss of the same. Students are advised not to bring large sums of money or valuable articles with them to school.

05. Late corners without a written excuse from their parents or guardians will not be permitted to enter their classes. This excuse is to be brought written in their Calendar and not in private letters.

06. A teacher appointed by the Headmistress will sign the student’s calendar for the late attendance and the class teacher for occasional absence. However of a student who has been late or absent from school. more than 3 times in a month, will not be admitted to class without the Headmistress signature.

D7. Students may not be sent home by any one or leave the school premises during school hours which includes the short recess without the previous sanction of the Head mistress. Parents are required not to ask their children to come away from the school before the school gets over, except in case of real necessity in which case permission should be obtained previously in writing. It may be noted that children will not be sent home, even in an emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours without a written notice from the Parent or Guardian.

08. No student will be exempted from Physical Education without a Medical Certificate which must be renewed every month and countersigned.

09. Pupils are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. These should be marked distinctly and indelibly with the owners name, class and address.

10. Pupils are expected to show gentleness and courtesy to their companions. Refinement of manners should distinguish every pupil of this school.

11. Books sent home must be treated with care, otherwise they will not be sent the second time.

12. Parents should examine their child’s calendar daily.

13. All damage to the school property, including ink stains, must be remedied at the cost of the offender.

14. The school cannot take responsibility for lost articles, money etc.

15. Irregular attendance, habitual, idleness,disobedience, or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school is sufficient forthe dismissal of a pupil.

16. Any pupil desiring to be exempted from P. T. or Games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that she is physically unfit to take part therein.

17. All are expected to speak English in the school premises.

18. During the absence of the teacher, each class House Captain is responsible for the order and discipline of the students in the house.

19. Finger nails must be cut short and kept clean. They must also be un-adorned by nail varnish.

20. For irregular attendance, habitual, negligence of studies, disobedierce, insubordination or conduct injurious to the moral tone and discipline of the school, a pupil may incur punishment including dismissal from school.

21. Every child should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the School by excelling in good manners and academics.

22. A warning card may be given, for offence against discipline such as lying, cheating, repeatedly neglecting studies, late attendance, lack of respect in or outside the class room.

23. If a pupil gets three warning cards, she /he is given a notice of dismissal and must leave the School. Recipients of warning cards cannot quality for any prize.

24. This card gives the date and nature of the offence and is signed by the parent / guardian and returned to the Principal, before the pupil is re-admitted to the class.

25. A second copy of the school diary can be purchased by the students only on request from the parents and with the permission of the Principal.

26. Those students who go home alone, are not expected to loiter on the way, but be prompt in returning home, students are warned not to buy anything especially eatables from street vendors.